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Multilayer Corpus Studies
Productivity in Argument Selection
  • Zeldes, Amir (2012) Productivity in Argument Selection. From Morphology to Syntax.
    (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 260.)
    Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, xx+282 pp. 
    [publisher website] [Google Books preview
  • Waldon, Brandon, Schneider, Nathan, Wilcox, Ethan, Zeldes, Amir and Tobia, Kevin (to appear) "Large Language Models for Legal Interpretation? Don't Take Their Word for It". Georgetown Law Journal.
  • Zeldes, Amir, Aoyama, Tatsuya, Liu, Yang Janet, Peng, Siyao, Das, Debopam and Gessler, Luke (2024) "eRST: A Signaled Graph Theory of Discourse Relations and Organization". Computational Linguistics, 1–47.
  • Sanguinetti, Manuela, Cassidy, Lauren, Bosco, Cristina, Çetinoğlu, Özlem, Cignarella, Alessandra Teresa, Lynn, Teresa, Rehbein, Ines, Ruppenhofer, Josef, Seddah, Djamé and Zeldes, Amir (2023) "Treebanking User-Generated Content: A UD Based Overview of Guidelines, Corpora and Unified Recommendations". Language Resources and Evaluation 57, 493–544.
    [preprint] [doi]
  • Zeldes, Amir (2022) "Can we Fix the Scope for Coreference? Problems and Solutions for Benchmarks beyond OntoNotes". Dialogue and Discourse 13(1), 41–62. 
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  • Schroeder, Caroline T. and Zeldes, Amir (2020) "A Collaborative Ecosystem for Digital Coptic Studies". Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities. Special Issue on Collecting, Preserving, and Disseminating Endangered Cultural Heritage for New Understandings through Multilingual Approaches, 1–9.
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  • Zeldes, Amir and Liu, Yang (2020) "A Neural Approach to Discourse Relation Signal Detection". Dialogue and Discourse 11(2), 1–33. 
  • Gaeta, Livio and Zeldes, Amir (2017) "Between VP and NN: On the Constructional Types of German -er Compounds". Constructions and Frames 9(1), 1–40. 
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  • Spalek, Katharina* and Zeldes, Amir* (2017) "Converging Evidence for the Relevance of Alternative Sets: Data from NPs with Focus Sensitive Particles in German". Language and Cognition 9(1), 24–51. 
    [DOI] [prepub version]
  • Odebrecht, Carolin, Belz, Malte, Zeldes, Amir, Lüdeling, Anke and Krause, Thomas (2017) "RIDGES Herbology - Designing a Diachronic Multi-Layer Corpus". Language Resources and Evaluation 51(3), 695–725. 
    [link] [DOI] [prepub version]
  • Schroeder, Caroline T. and Zeldes, Amir (2016) "Raiders of the Lost Corpus". Digital Humanities Quarterly 10(2). 
  • Zeldes, Amir (2016) "Probabilistic Pragmatics and Probabilistic Experience. A Response to Franke and Jäger". Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft [=German Journal of Linguistics] 35(1), 109–116. 
    [DOI] [prepub version
  • Krause, Thomas and Zeldes, Amir (2016) "ANNIS3: A New Architecture for Generic Corpus Query and Visualization". Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 31(1), 118–139. 
    [DOI] [early access version] [prepub version
  • Lee, John, Yeung, Chak Yan, Zeldes, Amir, Reznicek, Marc, Lüdeling, Anke and Webster, Jonathan (2015) "CityU Corpus of Essay Drafts of English Language Learners: A Corpus of Textual Revision in Second Language Writing". Language Resources and Evaluation 49(3), 659–683. 
    [DOI] [prepub version]
  • Zeldes, Amir and Schroeder, Caroline T. (2015) "Computational Methods for Coptic: Developing and Using Part-of-Speech Tagging for Digital Scholarship in the Humanities". Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 30(1), 164–176. 
    [DOI] [prepub version
  • Romary, Laurent, Zeldes, Amir and Zipser, Florian (2015) "<tiger2/> - Serialising the ISO SynAF Syntactic Object Model". Language Resources and Evaluation 49(1), 1–18. 
  • Zeldes, Amir (2013) "Productive Argument Selection: Is Lexical Semantics Enough?". Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 9(2), 263–291.
    [DOI] [prepub version
  • Zeldes, Amir (2013) "Komposition als Konstruktionsnetzwerk im fortgeschrittenen L2-Deutsch [=Compounding as a network of constructions in advanced L2 German]". Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik [=Journal of German Linguistics] 41(2), 240–276.
    [DOI] [prepub version
  • Zeldes, Amir (2013) "Is Modern Hebrew Standard Average European? The View from European". Linguistic Typology 17(3), 439–470.
    [DOI] [prepub version
  • Hirschmann, Hagen, Lüdeling, Anke and Zeldes, Amir (2012) "Measuring and Coding Language Change: An Evolving Study in a Multilayer Corpus Architecture". ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 5(1), 4:1-4:16.
    [DOI] [prepub version
  • Chiarcos, Christian, Fiedler, Ines, Grubic, Mira, Haida, Andreas, Hartmann, Katharina, Ritz, Julia, Schwarz, Anne, Zeldes, Amir and Zimmermann, Malte (2011) "Information Structure in African Languages: Corpora and Tools". Language Resources and Evaluation 45(3), 361–374.
  • Crane, Gregory, Babeu, Alison, Bamman, David, Breuel, Thomas, Cerrato, Lisa, Deckers, Daniel, Lüdeling, Anke, Mimno, David, Singhal, Rashmi, Smith, David A. and Zeldes, Amir (2009) "Classics in the Million Book Library". Digital Humanities Quarterly 3(1).
  • Petrova, Svetlana, Solf, Michael, Ritz, Julia, Chiarcos, Christian and Zeldes, Amir (2009) "Building and Using a Richly Annotated Interlinear Diachronic Corpus: The Case of Old High German Tatian". Traitement automatique des langues 50(2), 47–71. 
  • Lüdeling, Anke and Zeldes, Amir (2008) "Three Views on Corpora: Corpus Linguistics, Literary Computing, and Computational Linguistics". Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie 9, 149–178.
    [OA online version
  • Zeldes, Amir (2007) "Abstracting Suffixes: A Morphophonemic Approach to Polish Morphological Analysis". Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft [=German Journal of Linguistics] 26(2), 347–370.
  • Zeldes, Amir (2021) "Corpus Architecture". In: Paquot, Magali & Gries, Stefan Th. (eds.), A Practical Handbook of Corpus Linguistics. Heidelberg: Springer, 49–73.
  • Zeldes, Amir (2018) "The Case for Caseless Prepositional Constructions with voller in German". In: Boas, Hans C. and Ziem, Alexander (eds.), Constructional Approaches to Syntactic Structures in German. (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs.) Berlin: De Gruyter, 245–285.
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  • Zeldes, Amir (2018) "Compounds and Productivity in Advanced L2 German Writing: A Constructional Approach". In: Ortega, Lourdes, Tyler, Andrea, Uno, Mariko and Park, Hae In (eds.), Usage-inspired L2 Instruction: Researched Pedagogy. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 237–265.
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  • Lüdeling, Anke, Ritz, Julia, Stede, Manfred and Zeldes, Amir (2016) "Corpus Linguistics and Information Structure Research". In: Féry, Caroline and Ichihara, Shinichiro (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 599–617.
    [publisher website] [prepub version]
  • Petrova, Svetlana and Zeldes, Amir (2015) "How exceptional is CP recursion in Germanic OV languages? Corpus-based evidence from Middle Low German". In: Gippert, Jost and Gehrke, Ralf (eds.), Historical Corpora: Challenges and Perspectives. (Korpuslinguistik und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Sprache 5.) Tübingen: Narr, 151–164. 
    [Google Books]
  • Zeldes, Amir and Kanbar, Ghazwan (2014) "Arabisch und Hebräisch [=Arabic and Hebrew]". In: Krifka, Manfred, Błaszczak, Joanna, Leßmöllmann, Annette, Meinunger, André, Stiebels, Barbara, Tracy, Rosemarie and Truckenbrodt, Hubert (eds.), Das mehrsprachige Klassenzimmer [=The Multilingual Classroom]. Heidelberg: Springer, 135–174.
    [publisher website
  • Gaeta, Livio and Zeldes, Amir (2012) "Deutsche Komposita zwischen Syntax und Morphologie: Ein korpusbasierter Ansatz [=German Compounds between Syntax and Morphology: A Corpus Based Approach]". In: Gaeta, Livio and Schlücker, Barbara (eds.), Das Deutsche als kompositionsfreudige Sprache: Strukturelle Eigenschaften und systembezogene Aspekte [=German as a Compound-Happy Language: Strucutural Properties and System-Related Aspects]. (Linguistik - Impulse & Tendenzen 46.) Berlin: De Gruyter, 197–217. 
  • Lüdeling, Anke, Hirschmann, Hagen and Zeldes, Amir (2011) "Variationism and Underuse Statistics in the Analysis of the Development of Relative Clauses in German". In: Kawaguchi, Yuji, Minegishi, Makoto and Viereck, Wolfgang (eds.), Corpus Analysis and Diachronic Linguistics. (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Studies in Linguistics 3.) Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 37–57. 
  • Liu, Yang Janet, Aoyama, Tatsuya, Scivetti, Wesley, Zhu, Yilun, Behzad, Shabnam Levine, Lauren Elizabeth, Lin, Jessica, Tiwari, Devika and Zeldes, Amir (2024) "GDTB: Genre Diverse Data for English Shallow Discourse Parsing across Modalities, Text Types, and Domains". In: Proceedings of EMNLP 2024. Miami, FL, 12287–12303.
  • Behzad, Shabnam, Zeldes, Amir and Schneider, Nathan (2024) "To Ask LLMs about English Grammaticality, Prompt Them in a Different Language". In: Findings of EMNLP 2024. Miami, FL, 15622–15634.
  • Levine, Lauren and Zeldes, Amir (2024) "Unifying the Scope of Bridging Anaphora Types in English: Bridging Annotations in ARRAU and GUM". In: Proceedings of CRAC 2024: Workshop on Reference, Anaphora and Coreference at EMNLP 2024. Miami, FL, 41–51. Winner of the workshop's Best Paper Award!
  • Levine, Lauren, Li, Cindy Tung, Bremer-McCollum, Lydia, Wagner, Nicholas and Zeldes, Amir (2024) "Lacuna Language Learning: Leveraging RNNs for Ranked Text Completion in Digitized Coptic Manuscripts". In: ACL 2024 Workshop on Machine Learning for Ancient Languages. Bangkok, Thailand, 61–70.
  • Zeldes, Amir, Schroeder, Caroline T., Wagner, Nicholas, Bremer-McCollum, Lydia and Takla, Hany (2024) "Digital Developments for Dialects in Coptic". In: Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Conference 2024. Washington, DC.
  • Zhu, Yilun, Peng, Siyao, Pradhan, Sameer, and Zeldes, Amir (2024) "SPLICE: A Singleton-Enhanced Pipeline for Coreference Resolution". In: Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024). Turin, Italy, 15191–15201.
  • Braud, Chloé, Zeldes, Amir, Rivière, Laura, Liu, Yang Janet, Muller, Philippe, Sileo, Damien and Aoyama, Tatsuya (2024) "DISRPT: A Multilingual, Multi-domain, Cross-framework Benchmark for Discourse Processing". In: Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024). Turin, Italy, 4990–5005.
  • Weissweiler, Leonie, Böbel, Nina, Guiller, Kirian, Herrera, Santiago, Scivetti, Wesley, Lorenzi, Arthur, Melnik, Nurit, Bhatia, Archna, Schütze, Hinrich, Levin, Lori, Zeldes, Amir, Nivre, Joakim, Croft, William and Schneider, Nathan (2024) "Typologically-Informed Annotation of Constructions atop Universal Dependencies". In: Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024). Turin, Italy, 16919–16932.
  • Poesio, Massimo, Ogrodniczuk, Maciej, Ng, Vincent, Pradhan, Sameer, Yu, Juntao, Moosavi, Nafise, Paun, Silviu, Zeldes, Amir, Nedoluzhko, Anna, Novák, Michal, Popel Martin, and Žabokrtský, Zdeněk (2024) "Universal Anaphora: The First Three Years". In: Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024). Turin, Italy, 17087–17100.
  • Lin, Jessica, and Zeldes, Amir (2024) "GUMsley: Evaluating Entity Salience in Summarization for 12 English Genres". In: Proceedings of EACL 2023. St. Julian’s, Malta, 2575–2588.
  • Zhu, Yilun, Peng, Siyao, Pradhan, Sameer, and Zeldes, Amir (2023) "Incorporating Singletons and Mention-based Features in Coreference Resolution via Multi-task Learning for Better Generalization". In: Proceedings of IJCNLP-AACL 2023, Bali, Indonesia, 121–130.
  • Liu, Yang Janet, Aoyama, Tatsuya and Zeldes, Amir (2023) "What's Hard in English RST Parsing? Predictive Models for Error Analysis". In: Proceedings of SIGDIAL 2023, Prague, 31–42.
  • Braud, Chloé, Liu, Yang Janet, Metheniti, Eleni, Muller, Philippe, Rivière, Laura, Rutherford, Attapol and Zeldes, Amir (2023) "The DISRPT 2023 Shared Task on Elementary Discourse Unit Segmentation, Connective Detection, and Relation Classification". In: Proceedings of the 3rd Shared Task on Discourse Relation Parsing and Treebanking (DISRPT 2023), Canada, 1–21.
  • Aoyama, Tatsuya, Behzad, Shabnam, Gessler, Luke, Levine, Lauren, Lin, Jessica, Liu, Yang Janet, Peng, Siyao, Zhu, Yilun and Zeldes, Amir (2023) "GENTLE: A Genre-Diverse Multilayer Challenge Set for English NLP and Linguistic Evaluation". In: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVII 2023), 166–178. Toronto, Canada.
  • Behzad, Shabnam, Sakaguchi, Keisuke, Schneider, Nathan and Zeldes, Amir (2023) "ELQA: A Corpus of Metalinguistic Questions and Answers about English". In: Proceedings of ACL 2023, 2031–2047. Toronto, Canada.
  • Liu, Yang Janet and Zeldes, Amir (2023) "GUMSum: Multi-Genre Data and Evaluation for English Abstractive Summarization". In: Findings of ACL 2023, 9315–9327. Toronto, Canada.
  • Liu, Yang Janet and Zeldes, Amir (2023) "Why Can’t Discourse Parsing Generalize? A Thorough Investigation of the Impact of Data Diversity". In: Proceedings of EACL 2023. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 3112–3130
  • Zeldes, Amir and Schneider, Nathan (2023) "Are UD Treebanks Getting More Consistent? A Report Card for English UD". In: Proceedings of Universal Dependencies Workshop (UDW 2023) co-located with GURT 2023. Washington, DC, 58–64
  • Gessler, Luke and Zeldes, Amir (2022) "MicroBERT: Effective Training of Low-resource Monolingual BERTs through Parameter Reduction and Multitask Learning". In: Proceedings of MRL at EMNLP 2022. Abu Dhabi, UAE, 86–99.
  • Zeldes, Amir, Howell, Nick, Ordan, Noam and Ben Moshe, Yifat (2022) "A Second Wave of UD Hebrew Treebanking and Cross-Domain Parsing". In: Proceedings of EMNLP 2022. Abu Dhabi, UAE, 4331–4344.
  • Peng, Siyao, Liu, Yang Janet and Zeldes, Amir (2022) "GCDT: A Chinese RST Treebank for Multigenre and Multilingual Discourse Parsing". In: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (AACL-IJCNLP 2022). Taipei, 382–391.
  • Nedoluzhko, Anna, Novák, Michal, Popel, Martin, Žabokrtský, Zdeněk, Zeldes, Amir and Zeman, Daniel (2022) "CorefUD 1.0: Coreference Meets Universal Dependencies". In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022). Marseille, France, 4859–4872.
  • Gessler, Luke, Levine, Lauren and Zeldes, Amir (2022) "Midas Loop: A Prioritized Human-in-the-Loop Annotation for Large Scale Multilayer Data". In: Proceedings of the 16th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVI). Marseille, France, 103–110.
  • Zeldes, Amir, Liu, Yang Janet, Iruskieta, Mikel, Muller, Philippe, Braud, Chloé and Badene, Sonia (2021) "The DISRPT 2021 Shared Task on Elementary Discourse Unit Segmentation, Connective Detection, and Relation Classification". In: Proceedings of the 2nd Shared Task on Discourse Relation Parsing and Treebanking (DISRPT 2021). Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 1–12.
  • Gessler, Luke, Behzad, Shabnam, Liu, Yang Janet, Peng, Siyao, Zhu, Yilun and Zeldes, Amir (2021) "DisCoDisCo at the DISRPT2021 Shared Task: A System for Discourse Segmentation, Classification, and Connective Detection". In: Proceedings of the 2nd Shared Task on Discourse Relation Parsing and Treebanking (DISRPT 2021). Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 51–62.
  • Schneider, Nathan and Zeldes, Amir (2021) "Mischievous Nominal Constructions in Universal Dependencies". In: Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW, SyntaxFest 2021). Sofia, Bulgaria 160–172.
  • Zhu, Yilun, Pradhan, Sameer and Zeldes, Amir (2021) "Anatomy of OntoGUM – Adapting GUM to the OntoNotes Scheme to Evaluate Robustness of SOTA Coreference Algorithms". In: Fourth Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference (CRAC 2021). Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 141–149.
  • Lin, Jessica and Zeldes, Amir (2021) "WikiGUM: Exhaustive Entity Linking for Wikification in 12 Genres". In: Proceedings of the Joint 15th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW) and 3rd Designing Meaning Representations (DMR) Workshop. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 170–175.
  • Zhu, Yilun, Pradhan, Sameer and Zeldes, Amir (2021) "OntoGUM: Evaluating Contextualized SOTA Coreference Resolution on 12 More Genres". In: Proceedings of ACL 2021. Bangkok, Thailand, 461–467.
  • Manning, Emma, Schneider, Nathan and Zeldes, Amir (2021) "A Balanced and Broadly Targeted Computational Linguistics Curriculum". In: Fifth Workshop on Teaching NLP at NAACL 2021. Mexico City, Mexico, 65–69.
  • Gessler, Luke, Peng, Siyao, Liu, Yang, Zhu, Yilun, Behzad, Shabnam and Zeldes, Amir (2021) "Overview of AMALGUM - Large Silver Quality Annotations across English Genres". In: Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics (SCiL). Vol. 4 , 434–437. 
  • Zeldes, Amir, Martin, Lance and Tu, Sichang (2020) "Exhaustive Entity Recognition for Coptic: Challenges And Solutions". In: Proceedings of the SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature (LaTeCH-CLfL 2020). Barcelona, Spain, 19–28.  
  • Gessler, Luke, Peng, Siyao, Liu, Yang, Zhu, Yilun, Behzad, Shabnam and Zeldes, Amir (2020) "AMALGUM – A Free, Balanced, Multilayer English Web Corpus". In: Proceedings of LREC 2020. Marseille, France, 5267–5275.  
  • Sanguinetti, Manuela, Bosco, Cristina, Cassidy, Lauren, Çetinoğlu, Özlem, Cignarella, Alessandra Teresa, Lynn, Teresa, Rehbein, Ines, Ruppenhofer, Josef, Seddah, Djamé and Zeldes, Amir (2020) "Treebanking User-Generated Content: A Proposal for a Unified Representation in Universal Dependencies". In: Proceedings of LREC 2020. Marseille, France, 5240–5250.  
  • Behzad, Shabnam and Zeldes, Amir (2020) "A Cross-Genre Ensemble Approach to Robust Reddit Part of Speech Tagging". In: Proceedings of the 12th Web as Corpus Workshop (WAC-XII). Marseille, France, 50–56.  
  • Slaughter, Laura, Morgado Da Costa, Luis, Miyagawa, So, Büchler, Marco, Zeldes, Amir and Behlmer, Heike (2019) "The Making of Coptic Wordnet". In: Global Wordnet Conference (GWC 2019). Wrocław, Poland, 166–175.  
  • Zeldes, Amir, Das, Debopam, Galani, Erick Maziero, Antonio, Juliano Desiderato and Iruskieta, Mikel (2019) "Introduction to Discourse Relation Parsing and Treebanking (DISRPT): 7th Workshop on Rhetorical Structure Theory and Related Formalisms". In: Proceedings of Discourse Relation Treebanking and Parsing (DISRPT 2019). Minneapolis, MN, 1–6.  
  • Zeldes, Amir, Das, Debopam, Galani, Erick Maziero, Antonio, Juliano Desiderato and Iruskieta, Mikel (2019) "The DISRPT 2019 Shared Task on Elementary Discourse Unit Segmentation and Connective Detection". In: Proceedings of Discourse Relation Treebanking and Parsing (DISRPT 2019). Minneapolis, MN, 97–104.  
  • Gessler, Luke, Liu, Yang and Zeldes, Amir (2019) "A Discourse Signal Annotation System for RST Trees". In: Proceedings of Discourse Relation Treebanking and Parsing (DISRPT 2019). Minneapolis, MN, 56–61.  
  • Yu, Yue, Zhu, Yilun, Liu, Yang, Liu, Yan, Peng, Siyao, Gong, Mackenzie and Zeldes, Amir (2019) "GumDrop at the DISRPT2019 Shared Task: A Model Stacking Approach to Discourse Unit Segmentation and Connective Detection". In: Proceedings of Discourse Relation Treebanking and Parsing (DISRPT 2019). Minneapolis, MN, 133–143.  
    [paper] [preprint
  • Schroeder, Caroline T. and Zeldes, Amir (2019) "Building a Collaborative Environment for Digital Coptic Studies". Workshop on Digital Humanities to Preserve Knowledge and Cultural Heritage. Stanford University Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis, Stanford, CA.  
  • Liu, Yang and Zeldes, Amir (2019) "Discourse Relations and Signaling Information: Anchoring Discourse Signals in RST-DT". In: Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics (SCiL) 2019. New York, NY, 314–317.  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2018) "A Characterwise Windowed Approach to Hebrew Morphological Segmentation". In: Proceedings of the 15th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology. Brussels, Belgium, 101–110.  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2018) "A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of RST Discourse Relations in Eight Genres". In: 14th American Association of Corpus Linguistics Conference (AACL 2018). Atlanta, GA.  
  • Peng, Siyao and Zeldes, Amir (2018) "Validating and Merging a Growing Multilayer Corpus – the Case of GUM". In: 14th American Association of Corpus Linguistics Conference (AACL 2018). Atlanta, GA.  
  • Zeldes, Amir and Abrams, Mitchell (2018) "The Coptic Universal Dependency Treebank". In: Proceedings of the Universal Dependencies Workshop 2018. Brussels, Belgium, 192–201.  
  • Peng, Siyao and Zeldes, Amir (2018) "All Roads Lead to UD: Converting Stanford and Penn Parses to English Universal Dependencies with Multilayer Annotations". In: Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Linguistic Annotation, Multiword Expressions and Constructions (LAW-MWE-CxG-2018) at COLING2018. Santa Fe, NM, 167–177.  
  • Feder, Frank, Kupreyev, Maxim, Manning, Emma, Schroeder, Caroline T. and Zeldes, Amir (2018) "A Linked Coptic Dictionary Online". Proceedings of LaTeCH 2018 - The 11th SIGHUM Workshop at COLING2018. Santa Fe, NM, 12–21.  
  • Miyagawa, So, Zeldes, Amir, Büchler, Marco, Behlmer, Heike and Griffitts, Troy (2018) "Building Linguistically and Intertextually-Tagged Coptic Corpora with Open Source Tools". Proceedings of JADH2018. Tokyo, Japan.  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2018) "A Predictive Model for Notional Anaphora in English". NAACL 2018 Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora, and Coreference (CRAC). New Orleans, LA, 34–43.  
  • MacAvaney, Sean and Zeldes, Amir (2018) "A Deeper Look into Dependency-Based Word Embeddings". NAACL 2018 Student Research Workshop. New Orleans, LA, 40–45.  
  • Miyagawa, So and Zeldes, Amir (2018) "A Semantic Map of the Coptic Complementizer če- based on Corpus Analysis: Grammaticalization and Areal Typology in Africa". Semantic maps: Where do we stand and where are we going? Liège, Belgium.  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2018) "A Neural Approach to Discourse Relation Signaling". Georgetown University Round Table (GURT) 2018: Approaches to Discourse. Georgetown University, Washington DC.  
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  • Zeldes, Amir (2017) "A Distributional View of Discourse Encapsulation: Multifactorial Prediction of Coreference Density in RST". 6th Workshop on Recent Advances in RST and Related Formalisms at INLG. Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 20–28.  
  • Zhang, Shuo and Zeldes, Amir (2017) "GitDOX: A Linked Version Controlled Online XML Editor for Manuscript Transcription". In: Proceedings of FLAIRS 2017, Special Track on Natural Language Processing of Ancient and other Low-resource Languages. Marco Island, FL, 619–623. 
  • Zeldes, Amir and Simonson, Dan (2016) "Different Flavors of GUM: Evaluating Genre and Sentence Type Effects on Multilayer Corpus Annotation Quality". In: Proceedings of LAW X - The 10th Linguistic Annotation Workshop at the Annual Meeting of the ACL. Berlin, 68–78. 
  • Zeldes, Amir and Schroeder, Caroline T. (2016) "An NLP Pipeline for Coptic". In: Proceedings of LaTeCH 2016 - The 10th SIGHUM Workshop at the Annual Meeting of the ACL. Berlin, 146–155. 
  • Zeldes, Amir (2016) "rstWeb - A Browser-based Annotation Interface for Rhetorical Structure Theory and Discourse Relations". In: Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2016 System Demonstrations. San Diego, CA, 1–5. 
  • Zeldes, Amir and Zhang, Shuo (2016) "When Annotation Schemes Change Rules Help: A Configurable Approach to Coreference Resolution beyond OntoNotes". In: Proceedings of the NAACL2016 Workshop on Coreference Resolution Beyond OntoNotes (CORBON). San Diego, CA, 92–101. 
  • Zeldes, Amir (2016) "A Quantitative Approach to Syntactic Alternations in Sahidic". In: 11th Congress of the International Association of Coptic Studies (IACS 2016). Claremont, CA. 
  • Zeldes, Amir (2015) "Duplicitous Diabolos: Parallel witness encoding in quantitative studies of Coptic manuscripts". In: Proceedings of Balisage, Symposium on Cultural Heritage Markup. (Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 16.) Washington, DC. 
  • Zeldes, Amir (2015) "Tagging the Desert Fathers: Part of Speech Analysis in Sahidic Coptic Corpora". In: 43rd Annual North American Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics (NACAL2015), 13–15.2.2015. Washington, DC. 
  • Zeldes, Amir (2014) "German voller as a Productive Argument Structure sui generis". In: 36th Annual Meeting of the DGfS, Workshop on Problems of Syntactic Categorisation, 5–7.3.2014. Marburg. 
  • Bosch, Sonja, Eckart, Kerstin, Faaß, Gertrud, Heid, Ulrich, Lee, Kiyong, Pareja-Lora, Antonio, Pretorius, Laurette, Romary, Laurent, Witt, Andreas, Zeldes, Amir and Zipser, Florian (2014) "From <tiger2> to ISOTiger - Community Driven Developments for Syntax Annotation in SynAF". In: Henrich, Verena, Hinrichs, Erhard, de Kok, Daniël, Osenova, Petya and Przepiórkowski, Adam (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT13), 258–264.
  • Hirschmann, Hagen, Lüdeling, Anke, Rehbein, Ines, Reznicek, Marc and Zeldes, Amir (2013) "Underuse of Syntactic Categories in Falko - A Case Study on Modification". In: Granger, Sylviane and Meunier, Fanny (eds.), 20 Years of Learner Corpus Research. Looking Back, Moving Ahead. (Corpora and Language in Use.) Louvain: Presses universitaires de Louvain, 223–234.
    [abstract] [publisher website
  • Bosch, Sonja, Choi, Key-Sun, de la Clergerie, Éric, Chengyu Fang, Alex, Faass, Gertrud, Lee, Kiyong, Pareja-Lora, Antonio, Romary, Laurent, Witt, Andreas, Zeldes, Amir and Zipser, Florian (2012) "<tiger2> as a standardised serialisation for ISO 24615 - SynAF". In: Hendrick, Iris, Kübler, Sandra and Simov, Kiril (eds.), TLT11 - 11th international workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, 37–60.
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  • Krause, Thomas, Lüdeling, Anke, Odebrecht, Carolin and Zeldes, Amir (2012) "Multiple Tokenizations in a Diachronic Corpus". In: Exploring Ancient Languages through Corpora. Oslo. 
  • Krause, Thomas, Ritz, Julia, Zeldes, Amir and Zipser, Florian (2011) "Topological Fields, Constituents and Coreference: A New Multi-layer Architecture for TüBa-D/Z". In: Hedeland, Hanna, Schmidt, Thomas and Wörner, Kai (eds.), Multilingual Resources and Multilingual Applications. Proceedings of the Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) 2011. (Working Papers in Multilingualism 96.) Hamburg: Universität Hamburg, 259–262. 
  • Zeldes, Amir (2011) "On the Productivity and Variability of the Slots in German Comparative Correlative Constructions". In: Konopka, Marek, Kubczak, Jacqueline, Mair, Christian, Štícha, František and Waßner, Ulrich H. (eds.), Grammar & Corpora, Third International Conference, Mannheim, 22.-24.09.2009. Tübingen: Narr, 429–449. 
  • Zipser, Florian, Zeldes, Amir, Ritz, Julia, Romary, Laurent and Leser, Ulf (2011) "Pepper: Handling a Multiverse of Formats". In: 33. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. Göttingen: University of Göttingen, 235. 
  • Lüdeling, Anke, Zeldes, Amir, Reznicek, Marc, Rehbein, Ines and Hirschmann, Hagen (2010) "Syntactic Misuse, Overuse and Underuse: A Study of a Parsed Learner Corpus and its Target Hypothesis". In: Dickinson, Markus, Müürisep, Kaili and Passarotti, Marco (eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. (NEALT Proceedings Series 9.) University of Tartu, Estonia.
  • Chiarcos, Christian, Fiedler, Ines, Grubic, Mira, Haida, Andreas, Hartmann, Katharina, Ritz, Julia, Schwarz, Anne, Zeldes, Amir and Zimmermann, Malte (2009) "Information Structure in African Languages: Corpora and Tools". In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages (AFLAT), 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL-09). Athens, Greece, 17–24.
  • Zeldes, Amir (2009) "Quantifying Constructional Productivity with Unseen Slot Members". In: Proceedings of the NAACL HLT Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity, June 5, Boulder CO. Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 47–54.
  • Zeldes, Amir, Ritz, Julia, Lüdeling, Anke and Chiarcos, Christian (2009) "ANNIS: A Search Tool for Multi-Layer Annotated Corpora". In: Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2009. Liverpool, UK.
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  • Zeldes, Amir, Lüdeling, Anke and Hirschmann, Hagen (2008) "What's Hard? Quantitative Evidence for Difficult Constructions in German Learner Data". In: Arppe, Antti, Sinnemäki, Kaius and Nikanne, Urpo (eds.), Proceedings of Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics 3 (QITL-3). Helsinki, 74–77.
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  • Zeldes, Amir (2007) "Machine Translation between Language Stages: Extracting Historical Grammar from a Parallel Diachronic Corpus of Polish". In: Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2007. Birmingham: University of Birmingham.
  • Zeldes, Amir (2006) "Abstracting Suffixes: A Morphophonemic Approach to Polish Morphological Analysis". In: Proceedings of KONVENS'06. Konstanz: University of Konstanz, 151–158.
  • Krause, Thomas, Weißenfels, Benjamin, Zeldes, Amir and Zipser, Florian (2014) "ANNIS3: Towards Generic Corpus Search and Visualization". 36th Annual Meeting of the DGfS, Poster Session of the SIG on Computational Linguistics. Marburg, 409–410.
  • Zeldes, Amir (2012) "Novel Argument Realization: Semantic, Pragmatic and Conventional Productivity Effects". Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2012. Empirical, Theoretical and Computational Perspectives. Tübingen, 327-331 (Voted best poster for the poster session on 10 February 2012).
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  • Gaeta, Livio and Zeldes, Amir (2011) "German Synthetic Compounds and the Architecture of the Grammar: A Behavioral Analysis". Mediterranean Morphology Meeting 8, 14-17 September 2011, Cagliari.
  • Krause, Thomas, Ritz, Julia, Zeldes, Amir and Zipser, Florian (2011) "Topological Fields, Constituents and Coreference: A New Multi-layer Architecture for TüBa-D/Z". Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) 2011. Hamburg.
  • Reznicek, Marc, Krummes, Cedric, Hirschmann, Hagen, Lüdeling, Anke, Ensslin, Astrid, Chan, Jia W., Zeldes, Amir, Krause, Thomas and Zipser, Florian (2010) "'Dass wenn man etwas will, muss man dafür arbeiten'- Zielhypothesen im Lernerkorpus Falko". 31. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin, 25 February 2010.
  • Zeldes, Amir (2010) "Novel Argument Selection: Is Lexical Semantics Enough?". Doktorandentag 2010, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
  • Chiarcos, Christian, Krause, Thomas, Lüdeling, Anke, Ritz, Julia, Rosenfeld, Viktor, Stede, Manfred, Zeldes, Amir and Zipser, Florian (2009) "Search and Visualization of Richly Annotated Corpora with ANNIS2". In: 31. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Sektion CL. Osnabrück: University of Osnabrück, 265.
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  • Zeldes, Amir (2009) "Applying Morphological Productivity Measures to Syntactic Constructions: German Comparatives and the je ... desto Constructions". Doktorandentag 2009, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
  • Zeldes, Amir (2022) SCRIPTORIUM Sentence Segmentation Guidelines for Coptic. Version 1.0.0_2022-07-05. Technical Report, Georgetown University.
  • Zeldes, Amir and Martin, Lance (2020) Coptic Scriptorium – Entity Annotation Guidelines. Version 1.1.0-2020-07–20. Technical Report, Georgetown University.
  • Zeldes, Amir (2016) Coptic Universal Dependency Guidelines. Version 1.1.0-2016-10–19. Technical Report, Georgetown University.
  • Zeldes, Amir and Schroeder, Caroline (2016) SCRIPTORIUM Part-of-Speech Tagsets for Sahidic Coptic. Version: 1.1.7_2016.03.14. Technical Report, Georgetown University and University of the Pacific.
  • Zeldes, Amir, Zipser, Florian and Neumann, Arne (2013) PAULA XML Documentation: Format Version 1.1. Technical report, Humboldt-Universitä zu Berlin and Universität Potsdam.
  • Strube, Michael, Braud, Chloé, Hardmeier, Christian, Li, Junyi Jessy, Loaiciga, Sharid, Zeldes, Amir and Li, Chuyuan (eds.) (2024) Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse (CODI 2024). Collocated with EACL 2024, 21 March 2024, St. Julians, Malta. 
  • Strube, Michael, Braud, Chloé, Hardmeier, Christian, Li, Junyi Jessy, Loaiciga, Sharid and Zeldes, Amir (eds.) (2023) Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse (CODI 2023). Collocated with ACL 2023, 13–14 July 2023, Toronto, Canada. 
  • Braud, Chloé, Liu, Yang Janet, Metheniti, Eleni, Muller, Philippe, Rivière, Laura, Rutherford, Attapol and Zeldes, Amir (eds.) (2023) Proceedings of the 3rd Shared Task on Discourse Relation Parsing and Treebanking (DISRPT 2023). Collocated with ACL 2023, 14 July 2023, Toronto, Canada. 
  • Zeldes, Amir, Liu, Yang Janet, Iruskieta, Mikel, Muller, Philippe, Braud, Chloé and Badene, Sonia (eds.) (2021) Proceedings of the 2nd Shared Task on Discourse Relation Parsing and Treebanking (DISRPT 2021). Collocated with EMNLP 2021, 11 November 2021, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. 
  • Dipper, Stefanie and Zeldes, Amir (eds.) (2020) Proceedings of the 14th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (The LAW XIV). Collocated with COLING 2020, 12 December 2020, Barcelona, Spain. 
  • Zeldes, Amir, Das, Debopam, Galani, Erick Maziero, Antonio, Juliano Desiderato and Iruskieta, Mikel (eds.) (2019) Proceedings of Discourse Relation Treebanking and Parsing (DISRPT 2019). Collocated with NAACL 2019, 6 June 2019, Minneapolis, MN. 
  • Zeldes, Amir and Lüdeling, Anke (eds.) (2011) Proceedings of Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics 4 (QITL-4). 29-31 March 2011, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 
  • Zeldes, Amir (2014) "Review of: Schmidt, Thomas & Wörner, Kai, 'Multilingual Corpora and Multilingual Corpus Analysis'". Languages in Contrast 14(2), 317–321. 
  • Zeldes, Amir (2010) "Review of: McEnery, Tony, Xiao, Richard & Tono, Yukio, 'Corpus-Based Language Studies: An Advanced Resource Book'". Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft 2(2), 268–274. 
  • Schroeder, Caroline T. and Zeldes, Amir (2024) "Digital Resources for Coptic – 12 Years of Coptic Scriptorium". Keynote at Digital Ancient Near Eastern Studies Conference (DANES 2024), 5-6 December 2024.
  • Schroeder, Caroline T., Takla, Hany, Wagner, Nicholas and Zeldes, Amir (2024) "New Digital Resources for Bohairic Coptic: A Project Update from Coptic Scriptorium". 25th St. Shenouda-UCLA Conference of Coptic Studies. UCLA, 19-20 July, 2024.
  • Zeldes, Amir (2023) "Crafting Rich and Diverse Data for Computational Models of Discourse". Invited talk at CORLI/LIFT/TAL Workshop on Collaborative Annotation, Paris, 15 May 2023.
  • Zeldes, Amir (2022) “So ignore my hair right now” – why genre variation in discourse structure, relations and signals matters. Invited talk at Collaborative Research Centre 1287, Potsdam, Germany, 17 June 2022.
  • Slaughter, Laura, Miyagawa, So, Morgado da Costa, Luis, Zeldes, Amir, Behlmer, Heike and Lundhaug, Hugo (2022) "Evaluation of the Coptic Wordnet". 12th International Congress of Coptic Studies. Brussels, Belgium, 13 July 2022.
  • Zeldes, Amir and Howell, Nick (2022) "IAHLT NLP Innovations for Hebrew and Arabic". AI Data Science Summit 2022, College of Management, Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel, 10 May 2022. 
  • Zeldes, Amir (2022) "Multilayer and Multi-Genre Models of Discourse. Data and Insights beyond the Sentence Level". Invited talk at Pittsburgh University NLP Seminar, 5 March 2022. 
  • Zeldes, Amir (2022) "Multilayer and multi-genre annotation of natural languages: Recent advances and applications". Invited talk at IAHLT Achievements and Innovations, Online, 3 January 2022. 
  • Zeldes, Amir (2021) "UD Treebanking for Coptic DH. Low Resource NLP Technologies for NER, Lexicography and Linked Open Data". Invited talk at Digital Transformation in the Humanities, KUDH International Conference, Kyoto University, 2 October 2021. 
  • Zeldes, Amir, Schroeder, Caroline T. and Martin, Lance (2021) "Leveraging Non-Named Entities in Coptic antiquity". Digital Classicist Seminar 2021, online, 10 September 2021. 
  • Zeldes, Amir (2021) "Issues in UD Consistency, Phrases, and Semantics". Dagstuhl Seminar 21351, Universals of Linguistic Idiosyncrasy in Multilingual Computational Linguistics . Online, 30–31 August 2021.
  • Zeldes, Amir (2021) "A Second Wave of Gold Standard Hebrew Treebanks". AI Data Science Summit 2021, Amdocs Raanana, Israel, 3 August 2021. 
  • Martin, Lance, Schroeder, Caroline T. and Zeldes, Amir (2021) "Digitally Linking People and Places in Coptic Literature". St. Shenouda Foundation Annual Conference 2021, UCLA, 16 July 2021.
  • Zeldes, Amir (2021) "IAHLT Treebanking & NLP – Progress report". IAHLT Meeting, Israeli Association of Human Language Technology. Online, 6 June 2021.
  • Zeldes, Amir and Peng, Siyao (2021) "Universal Anaphora - Collapsed format data tests and tricky coreference guidelines". Universal Anaphora Meeting. Online, 9 April 2021.
  • Zeldes, Amir (2021) "Building Blocks for Discourse Models". Georgetown University Interdisciplinary Text Analysis Research (GUITAR) at the Massive Data Institute (10 February 2021).
  • Zeldes, Amir (2020) "Coreference at Georgetown: GUM, ANNIS, and Amalgum". In: Invited panel on Universal Anaphora, at CRAC 2020 (12 December 2020).
  • Zeldes, Amir (2020) "Multilayer GUM – Computational Discourse Models in the CL Classroom". Invited talk at the DALI Seminar, Queen Mary University London (10 November 2020).
  • Zeldes, Amir (2020) "Chewing GUM: On Constructing Multilayer Corpora in the Linguistics Classroom". Invited talk at WocDit 2020, International Seminar Working with Corpora and Digital Tools in Language and Translation Studies: Practical Issues and Methodological Challenges. Universidad Complutense Madrid (UCM) (27 October 2020).
  • Zeldes, Amir, Schroeder, Caroline T. and Martin, Lance (2020) "Exposing Coptic entities: automation, search and visualization". Digital Coptic 3.  
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  • Slaughter, Laura, Miyagawa, So, Morgado da Costa, Luis, Zeldes, Amir, Behlmer, Heike and Lundhaug, Hugo (2020) "An Overview of the Coptic Wordnet Project". Digital Coptic 3.  
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  • Zeldes, Amir (2019) "Discourse Structure and Crystal Balls in NLP". Invited talk at DC NLP. Washington, DC (14 November 2019)
  • Zeldes, Amir (2019) "Coreference and Coherence Revisited". Invited talk at CRAC 2019, Second Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference, co-located with NAACL 2019. Minneapolis, MN (7 June 2019)
  • Zeldes, Amir (2018) "Referentiality and Genre in Computational Discourse Models". Invited talk at the Linguistics Research Center. UT Austin, Texas (30 November 2018)
  • Krawiec, Rebecca, Luckritz-Marquis, Christine, Platte, Elizabeth, Schroeder, Caroline T. and Zeldes, Amir (2018) "A Linked Digital Environment for Coptic Studies". Invited talk at the Friday Speaker Series. Georgetown University, Washington DC (14 September 2018)
  • Zeldes, Amir (2016) "Status and New Developments in NLP for Coptic". KELLIA Workshop, Claremont Graduate University (23 July 2016).  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2015) "Digital Coptic. What, Why and How?". Friday Speaker Series, Georgetown University (18 September 2015).  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2015) "Developing and Using Multilayer Corpora". Computational Linguistics and Information Processing (CLIP) Talks, University of Maryland, College Park, MD (11 March 2015).
  • Zeldes, Amir (2014) "Compounding in Advanced L2 German Writing - A Corpus Study". Georgetown Linguistics Friday Speaker Series (12 September 2014).  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2014) "Productivity and Grammar". Key note address at Grammar and Corpora 2014, University of Warsaw (26 June 2014).
  • Schroeder, Caroline and Zeldes, Amir (2014) "Digital Coptic. Building an Online Environment for the Study of Coptic Literature". UC Berkeley, Center for Tebtunis Papyri (15 May 2014).  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2014) "Mehrebenenkorpora in ANNIS, PAULA und SaltNPepper". Invited talk at Neofonie GmbH, Berlin (20 May 2014).  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2014) "Towards Digital Coptic: Searching and Visualizing Coptic Manuscript Data". Talk at the Berlin Digital Classicist Seminar (14 January 2014).
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  • Krause, Thomas, Odebrecht, Carolin, Zeldes, Amir and Zipser, Florian (2013) "Unary TEI Elements and the Token Based Corpus". Workshop Perspectives on Querying TEI-annotated data, TEI Conference 2013, Rome, 1 October 2013.
  • Neumann, Arne, Zeldes, Amir and Zipser, Florian (2013) "ANNIS 3: Challenges and Innovations for Corpora in SFB632". 17th Internal Workshop of the SFB 632 / Information Structure, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 13 June 2013.
  • Zeldes, Amir (2013) "Corpus Linguistics Tools for Sahidic Coptic". Talk at the Leipzig eHumanities Seminar (18 December 2013).
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  • Zeldes, Amir (2013) "Viel mehr als eine Liste: Was uns Lernerdaten über das mentale Lexikon als produktives Netzwerk zeigen [=Much more than a list: What learner data tells us about the mental lexicon as a productive network]". Invited talk at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Research on Lexicography, Valency and Collocation at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg (29 October 2013).
  • Zeldes, Amir (2013) "The State of the Art in Collaborative Multilayer Historical Treebanks of German". Invited talk at the Workshop on Syntactic Change and Information Structure, University of Manchester (13 April 2013).
  • Zeldes, Amir (2013) "Zur Wortart und Kasusrektion des Wortes voller [=On the part-of-speech and case government of the word voller]". Research Colloquium Corpus Linguistics, HU Berlin (12 Febuary 2013).
  • Zeldes, Amir (2012) "New Developments in Multilayer Corpora for Information Structure". 15th Internal Workshop of the SFB 632, Wandlitz (8 June 2012).  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2012) "Compounding as a Network of Constructions in Advanced Learner German". Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (17 May 2012).  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2012) "Productivity in Argument Selection". Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (16 May 2012).  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2012) "Komposition als Konstruktionsnetzwerk in L2-Deutsch. Über Lebensblatt, Frauenbedruck, Lehrerkrankenversicherungsamt und andere FALKOmposita". 2nd Kobalt Network Meeting, HU Berlin (1 March 2012).  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2012) "Productivity in Argument Selection: Extensibility Effects of Semantic Classes in Usage". Talk at the Seminar für Englische Philologie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (17 January 2012).  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2011) "Getan - gesagt? Pragmatische und lexikalisierte Erklärungen zur Besetzung von Argumentstellen mit neuem Material". IZ Colloquium Europäische Sprachen, Freie Universität Berlin (10 May 2011).
  • Krummes, Cedric, Reznicek, Marc, Jia Wei, Chan, Hirschmann, Hagen, Krause, Thomas, Zeldes, Amir, Astrid, Ensslin and Lüdeling, Anke (2010) "'What's Hard in German?': Touching the Void of Over- and Underuse". Paper given at the Forum for Germanic Language Studies, Gregynog/Aberystwyth (8-9 January 2010).
  • Zeldes, Amir (2010) "Mehrebenenkorpora in ANNIS. Datenrepräsentation, Abfrage und Visualisierung". Computerlinguistik-Kolloquium, Universität Zürich, Institut für Computerlinguistik (18 May 2010).
  • Zeldes, Amir (2010) "ANNIS, PAULA & SaltNPepper. Open Source Resources for Multilayer Corpora". Service-oriented Architectures for Language Technology, Universität Tübingen (11 February 2010).  
  • Hirschmann, Hagen, Zeldes, Amir and Lüdeling, Anke (2009) "Interaction between Colligation, Register and Surface Variability in German Learners and Natives". 31. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. Osnabrück, Germany (4-6 March 2009).
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  • Hirschmann, Hagen, Zeldes, Amir and Lüdeling, Anke (2009) "Multilevel Learner Corpora". Workshop on Automatic Analysis of Learner Language 2009 (AALL'09), CALICO '09. Arizona State University (10-14 March 2009).
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  • Zeldes, Amir (2009) "Multi-Layer Resources in ANNIS: Historical Corpora and Information Structural Annotation". Workshop Annotating and Analysing Information Structure in Historical Corpus Texts, HU Berlin (13 November 2009).
  • Zeldes, Amir (2009) "Variabilität in der Produktivität von je-desto-Konstruktionen". Invited talk at the Lecture Series on Variability and Invariability in Language, Potsdam University (25 June 2009).  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2006) "Design and Applications of Polimatth - a Small Parallel Diachronic Bible Corpus of Polish". Lecture at Dagstuhl seminar 06491 Digital Historical Corpora. International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany.  
  • Zeldes, Amir (2006) "Verb Formation in Biblical and Modern Hebrew: Continuity and Innovation". International Conference Morphology and the Digital World, Freie Universität, Berlin.  
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