Prepare parser output for entity and coreference resolution
Author: Amir Zeldes
from .xrenner_marker import lookup_has_entity
[docs]def add_negated_parents(conll_tokens, offset):
Sets the neg_parent property on tokens whose head dominates a negation
:param conll_tokens: token list for this document
:param offset: token ID reached in last sentence
:return: None
for token in conll_tokens[offset:]:
parent_id = token.head
if parent_id != "0":
if conll_tokens[int(parent_id)].negated:
token.neg_parent = True
[docs]def add_child_info(conll_tokens, child_funcs, child_strings, lex):
Adds a list of all dependent functions and token strings to each parent token
:param conll_tokens: The ParsedToken list so far
:param child_funcs: Dictionary from ids to child functions
:param child_strings: Dictionary from ids to child strings
:return: void
for child_id in child_funcs:
if child_id > len(conll_tokens)-1:
for func in child_funcs[child_id]:
if func not in conll_tokens[child_id].child_funcs:
if lex.filters["neg_func"].match(func):
conll_tokens[child_id].negated = True
for tok_text in child_strings[child_id]:
if tok_text not in conll_tokens[child_id].child_strings:
def postprocess_parser(conll_tokens, tokoffset, children, stop_ids, lex):
for tok1 in conll_tokens[tokoffset + 1:]:
if tok1.text == "-LSB-" or tok1.text == "-RSB-":
tok1.pos = tok1.text
tok1.func = "punct"
tok1.head = "0"
if lex.filters["mark_head_pos"].match(tok1.pos) is not None:
entity_candidate = tok1.text + " "
for tok2 in conll_tokens[int(tok1.id) + 1:]:
if lex.filters["mark_head_pos"].match(tok2.pos) is not None:
entity_candidate += tok2.text + " "
if entity_candidate.strip() == lex.debug["ana"]:
if entity_candidate.strip() in lex.entities: # Entity matched, check if all tokens are inter-connected
for tok3 in conll_tokens[int(tok1.id):int(tok2.id)]:
# Ensure right most token has head outside entity:
if int(tok2.head) > int(tok2.id) or int(tok2.head) < int(tok1.id):
if (int(tok3.head) < int(tok1.id) or int(tok3.head) > int(tok2.id)) and tok3.id in children[tok3.head]:
tok3.head = tok2.id
# Check for apposition pointing back to immediately preceding proper noun token -
# typical (German model) MaltParser name behavior
if lex.filters["apposition_func"].match(tok1.func) is not None and not tok1.id == "1":
if lex.filters["proper_pos"].match(conll_tokens[int(tok1.id) - 1].pos) is not None and conll_tokens[
int(tok1.id) - 1].id == tok1.head:
tok1.func = "xrenner_fix"
children[str(int(tok1.id) - 1)].append(tok1.id)
stop_ids[tok1.id] = True
# Check for [city], [state/country] apposition -
# typical (English model) Stanford parser behavior
if tok1.text == lex.debug["ana"]:
if lex.filters["apposition_func"].match(tok1.func) is not None and not int(tok1.id) < 3:
if conll_tokens[int(tok1.id) - 1].text.strip() == ",":
tok_minus2 = conll_tokens[int(tok1.id) - 2]
tok1_head = conll_tokens[int(tok1.head)]
if lex.filters["proper_pos"].match(tok_minus2.pos) is not None:
if (tok_minus2.id == tok1.head and (lookup_has_entity(tok1.text, tok1.lemma, "place", lex) and not lookup_has_entity(tok_minus2.text, tok_minus2.lemma, "place", lex) or \
lookup_has_entity(tok_minus2.text, tok_minus2.lemma, "place", lex))) or \
not lookup_has_entity(tok1_head.text, tok1_head.lemma, "place", lex) and lookup_has_entity(tok1.text, tok1.lemma, "place", lex):
tok1.func = "xrenner_fix"
if tok1.id not in children[tok_minus2.id]:
if tok_minus2.head != tok1.id: # Avoid creating a cycle
# Check for markable projecting beyond an apposition to itself and remove from children on violation
if lex.filters["apposition_func"].match(tok1.func) is not None and not tok1.id == "1":
for tok2 in conll_tokens[int(tok1.id) + 1:]:
if tok2.head == tok1.head and lex.filters["non_link_func"].match(tok2.func) is None and tok2.id in children[tok2.head]:
[docs]def replace_conj_func(conll_tokens, tokoffset, lex):
Function to replace functions of tokens matching the conjunction function with their parent's function
:param conll_tokens: The ParsedToken list so far
:param tokoffset: The starting token for this sentence
:param lex: the LexData object with gazetteer information and model settings
:return: void
for token in conll_tokens[tokoffset:]:
if token.text == lex.debug["ana"]:
if lex.filters["conjunct_func"].match(token.func) is not None:
for child_func in conll_tokens[int(token.head)].child_funcs:
token.func = conll_tokens[int(token.head)].func
token.head = conll_tokens[int(token.head)].head
token.coordinate = True