from .xrenner_marker import *
from .xrenner_compatible import *
from .xrenner_propagate import *
from .xrenner_rule import CorefRule, ConstraintMatcher
Coreference resolution module. Iterates through markables to find possible matches based on rules.
Author: Amir Zeldes
[docs]def find_antecedent(markable, previous_markables, lex, restrict_rule=""):
Search for antecedents by cycling through coref rules for previous markables
:param markable: Markable object to find an antecedent for
:param previous_markables: Markables in all sentences up to and including current sentence
:param lex: the LexData object with gazetteer information and model settings
:param restrict_rule: a string specifying a subset of rules that should be checked (e.g. only rules with 'appos')
:return: candidate, matching_rule - the best antecedent and the rule that matched it
# DEBUG point
if markable.text == lex.debug["ana"]:
candidate = None
matching_rule = None
for i, rule in enumerate(lex.coref_rules):
# If this call of find_antecedent is limited to certain rules, check that the restriction is in the rule
if restrict_rule == "" or restrict_rule in rule.ana_spec:
if coref_rule_applies(lex, rule.ana_constraints, markable):
candidate = search_prev_markables(markable, previous_markables, rule, lex)
if candidate is not None:
matching_rule = rule.propagation
return candidate, matching_rule
[docs]def search_prev_markables(markable, previous_markables, rule, lex):
Search for antecedent to specified markable using a specified rule
:param markable: The markable object to find an antecedent for
:param previous_markables: The list of know markables up to and including the current sentence; markables beyond current markable but in its sentence are included for cataphora.
:param ante_constraints: A list of ContraintMatcher objects describing the antecedent
:param ante_spec: The antecedent specification part of the coref rule being checked, as a string
:param lex: the LexData object with gazetteer information and model settings
:param max_dist: Maximum distance in sentences for the antecedent search (0 for search within sentence)
:param propagate: Whether to progpagate features upon match and in which direction
:return: the selected candidate Markable object
ante_constraints, ante_spec, rule_num, max_dist, propagate, clf_name = rule.ante_constraints, rule.ante_spec, rule.rule_num, rule.max_distance, rule.propagation, rule.clf_name
candidate_set = set([])
if ante_spec.find("lookahead") > -1:
referents_to_loop = previous_markables
referents_to_loop = reversed(previous_markables)
for candidate in referents_to_loop: # loop through previous markables backwards
#DEBUG breakpoint:
if markable.text == lex.debug["ana"]:
a = 5
if candidate.text == lex.debug["ante"]:
if markable.sentence.sent_num - candidate.sentence.sent_num <= max_dist:
if ((int( > int( and
ante_spec.find("lookahead") == -1) or (int( < int( and ante_spec.find("lookahead") > -1)):
if not in markable.non_antecdent_groups:
if coref_rule_applies(lex, ante_constraints, candidate, markable):
if not markables_overlap(markable, candidate, lex):
if markable.form == "pronoun":
if agree_compatible(markable, candidate, lex) or (ante_spec.find("anyagree") > -1 and group_agree_compatible(markable,candidate,previous_markables,lex)):
if entities_compatible(markable, candidate, lex) and cardinality_compatible(markable, candidate, lex):
elif markable.text == candidate.text or (len(markable.text) > 4 and (candidate.text.lower() == markable.text.lower())):
#propagate_entity(markable, candidate, propagate)
#return candidate
elif markable.text + "|" + candidate.text in lex.coref and entities_compatible(
markable, candidate, lex) and agree_compatible(markable, candidate, lex):
#return candidate
elif markable.core_text + "|" + candidate.core_text in lex.coref and entities_compatible(
markable, candidate, lex) and agree_compatible(markable, candidate, lex):
#return candidate
elif markable.entity == candidate.entity and agree_compatible(markable, candidate, lex) and (markable.head.text == candidate.head.text or
(len(markable.head.text) > 3 and (candidate.head.text.lower() == markable.head.text.lower())) or
(markable.core_text.count(" ") > 2 and (markable.core_text.lower() == candidate.core_text.lower())) or
(markable.head.lemma == candidate.head.lemma and lex.filters["lemma_match_pos"].match(markable.head.pos) is not None
and lex.filters["lemma_match_pos"].match(candidate.head.pos) is not None)):
if modifiers_compatible(markable, candidate, lex) and modifiers_compatible(candidate, markable, lex):
elif (markable.entity == candidate.entity or len(set(markable.alt_entities) & set(candidate.alt_entities))>0) and isa(markable, candidate, lex):
candidate.isa = True # This is an 'isa' candidate
elif agree_compatible(markable,candidate,lex) and ((markable.head.text == candidate.head.text) or (markable.head.lemma == candidate.head.lemma and
lex.filters["lemma_match_pos"].match(markable.head.pos) is not None and lex.filters["lemma_match_pos"].match(candidate.head.pos) is not None)):
if merge_entities(markable, candidate, previous_markables, lex):
elif entities_compatible(markable, candidate, lex) and isa(markable, candidate, lex):
if merge_entities(markable, candidate, previous_markables, lex):
candidate.isa = True # This is an 'isa' candidate
elif lex.filters["match_acronyms"] and markable.head.text.isupper() or candidate.head.text.isupper():
if acronym_match(markable, candidate, lex) or acronym_match(candidate, markable, lex):
if modifiers_compatible(markable, candidate, lex) and modifiers_compatible(candidate, markable, lex):
if merge_entities(markable, candidate, previous_markables, lex):
if ante_spec.find("anytext") > -1:
if (ante_spec.find("anyagree") > -1 and group_agree_compatible(markable,candidate,previous_markables,lex)) or agree_compatible(markable, candidate, lex):
if (ante_spec.find("anycardinality") > -1 or cardinality_compatible(markable,candidate,lex)):
if (ante_spec.find("anyentity") > -1 or entities_compatible(markable,candidate,lex)):
elif ante_spec.find("lookahead") == -1:
# Reached back too far according to max_dist, stop looking
if len(candidate_set) > 0:
candidates_to_remove = set([])
for candidate_item in candidate_set:
# Remove items that are prohibited by entity agree mapping
for agree, ent in iteritems(lex.filters["agree_entity_mapping"]):
if markable.agree == agree and candidate_item.entity != ent:
if candidate_item.entity == lex.filters["person_def_entity"] and (candidate_item.form != "pronoun" or markable.entity_certainty == "certain") and lex.filters["no_person_agree"].match(markable.agree) is not None:
elif markable.entity == lex.filters["person_def_entity"] and (markable.form != "pronoun" or markable.entity_certainty == "certain") and lex.filters["no_person_agree"].match(candidate_item.agree) is not None:
for removal in candidates_to_remove:
if len(candidate_set) > 0:
take_first = True if ante_spec.find("takefirst") > -1 else False
best = best_candidate(markable, candidate_set, lex, rule, take_first=take_first)
if best is not None:
if markable.text + "|" + best.text in lex.coref:
markable.coref_type = lex.coref[markable.text + "|" + best.text]
propagate_entity(markable, best, propagate)
propagate_entity(markable, best)
elif markable.core_text + "|" + best.core_text in lex.coref:
markable.coref_type = lex.coref[markable.core_text + "|" + best.core_text]
propagate_entity(markable, candidate_item)
elif propagate.startswith("propagate"):
propagate_entity(markable, best, propagate)
if hasattr(best,"isa"):
if hasattr(best,"isa_dir"):
if best.isa_dir == "markable":
markable.isa_partner_head = best.lemma
best.isa_partner_head = markable.lemma
return best
return None
return None
[docs]def coref_rule_applies(lex, constraints, mark, anaphor=None):
Check whether a markable definition from a coref rule applies to this markable
:param lex: the LexData object with gazetteer information and model settings
:param constraints: the constraints defining the relevant Markable
:param mark: the Markable object to check constraints against
:param anaphor: if this is an antecedent check, the anaphor is passed for $1-style constraint checks
:return: bool: True if 'mark' fits all constraints, False if any of them fail
for constraint in constraints:
if not constraint.match(mark,lex,anaphor):
return False
return True
[docs]def antecedent_prohibited(markable, conll_tokens, lex):
Check whether a Markable object is prohibited from having an antecedent
:param markable: The Markable object to check
:param conll_tokens: The list of ParsedToken objects up to and including the current sentence
:param lex: the LexData object with gazetteer information and model settings
:return: bool
mismatch = True
if "/" in lex.filters["no_antecedent"]:
constraints = lex.filters["no_antecedent"].split(";")
for constraint in constraints:
if not mismatch:
return True
descriptions = constraint.split("&")
mismatch = False
for token_description in descriptions:
if token_description.startswith("^"):
test_token = conll_tokens[markable.start]
elif token_description.startswith("$"):
test_token = conll_tokens[markable.end]
elif token_description.startswith("@"):
test_token = markable.head
# Invalid token description
return False
token_description = token_description[1:]
pos, word = token_description.split("/")
if pos.startswith("!"):
pos = pos[1:]
negative_pos = True
negative_pos = False
if word.startswith("!"):
word = word[1:]
negative_word = True
negative_word = False
pos_matcher = re.compile(pos)
word_matcher = re.compile(word)
if (pos_matcher.match(test_token.pos) is None and not negative_pos) or (pos_matcher.match(test_token.pos) is not None and negative_pos) or \
(word_matcher.match(test_token.text) is None and not negative_word) or (word_matcher.match(test_token.text) is not None and negative_word):
mismatch = True
if mismatch:
return False
return True