Source code for modules.xrenner_classes

Basic classes for parsed tokens, markables and sentences.

Author: Amir Zeldes

import sys, re
from math import log
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict

[docs]class ParsedToken: def __init__(self, tok_id, text, lemma, pos, morph, head, func, sentence, modifiers, child_funcs, child_strings, lex, quoted=False, head2="_", func2="_"): = tok_id self.text = text.strip() self.text_lower = text.lower() self.pos = pos if lemma != "_" and lemma != "--": self.lemma = lemma.strip() else: self.lemma = lex.lemmatize(self) self.morph = morph if morph != "_" and morph != "--" and morph != "": self.morph = lex.process_morph(self) self.head = head self.original_head = head self.func = func self.head2 = head2 self.func2 = func2 self.sentence = sentence self.modifiers = modifiers self.child_funcs = child_funcs self.child_strings = child_strings self.quoted = quoted self.coordinate = False self.head_text = "" self.lex = lex # Pointer to lex object self.lemma_freq = 0.0 self.negated = False self.neg_parent = False def __repr__(self): return str(self.text) + " (" + str(self.pos) + "/" + str(self.lemma) + ") " + "<-" + str(self.func) + "- " + str(self.head_text)
[docs]class Markable: # Properties refering to markable head, not markable itself tok_props = {"negated", "neg_parent", "pos", "lemma", "morph", "func", "quoted", "modifiers", "child_funcs", "child_strings", "agree", "doc_position", "sent_position", "head_text", "head_pos", "lemma_freq"} def __init__(self, mark_id, head, form, definiteness, start, end, text, core_text, entity, entity_certainty, subclass, infstat, agree, sentence, antecedent, coref_type, group, alt_entities, alt_subclasses, alt_agree, cardinality=0, submarks=[], coordinate=False, agree_certainty=""): = mark_id self.head = head self.form = form self.definiteness = definiteness self.start = start self.end = end self.text = text.strip() self.core_text = core_text.strip() # Holds markable text before any extensions or manipulations self.first = self.core_text.split(" ")[0] self.last = self.core_text.split(" ")[-1] self.entity = entity self.subclass = subclass self.infstat = infstat self.agree = agree self.agree_certainty = agree_certainty self.sentence = sentence self.antecedent = antecedent self.coref_type = coref_type = group self.non_antecdent_groups = set() self.entity_certainty = entity_certainty self.isa_partner_head = "" # Property to hold isa match; once saturated, no other lexeme may form isa link # Alternate agreement, subclass and entity lists: self.alt_agree = alt_agree self.alt_entities = alt_entities self.alt_subclasses = alt_subclasses self.cardinality=cardinality self.submarks = submarks self.coordinate = coordinate self.length = self.text.strip().count(" ") + 1 self.mod_count = len(self.head.modifiers) # Dictionaries to fill when getting dependency and similarity based frequencies self.entity_dep_scores = defaultdict(int) self.entity_sim_dep_scores = defaultdict(int) self.lex_dep_scores = defaultdict(int) self.lex_sim_dep_scores = defaultdict(int) def has_child_func(self, func): if "*" in func: # func substring, do not delimit function return func in self.child_func_string else: # Exact match, delimit with ";" return ";" + func + ";" in self.child_func_string def get_dep_freqs(self,lex): #DEBUG POINT if self.text == lex.debug["ana"]: pass use_entity_deps = True use_lex_deps = True if "ablations" in lex.debug: if "no_entity_dep" in lex.debug["ablations"]: use_entity_deps = False use_hasa = True if "ablations" in lex.debug: if "no_hasa" in lex.debug["ablations"]: use_hasa = False anaphor_parent = self.head.head_text if anaphor_parent in lex.entity_deps and use_entity_deps: if self.head.func in lex.entity_deps[anaphor_parent]: for entity in lex.entity_deps[anaphor_parent][self.head.func]: self.entity_dep_scores[entity] = lex.entity_deps[anaphor_parent][self.head.func][entity] found = False if anaphor_parent in lex.similar and use_entity_deps: for sim in lex.similar[anaphor_parent]: if sim in lex.entity_deps and not found: if self.head.func in lex.entity_deps[sim]: found = True for entity in lex.entity_deps[sim][self.head.func]: self.entity_sim_dep_scores[entity] = lex.entity_deps[sim][self.head.func][entity] if anaphor_parent in lex.lex_deps and use_lex_deps: if self.head.func in lex.lex_deps[anaphor_parent]: for lexeme in lex.lex_deps[anaphor_parent][self.head.func]: self.lex_dep_scores[lexeme] = lex.lex_deps[anaphor_parent][self.head.func][lexeme] if anaphor_parent in lex.similar and use_entity_deps: for sim in lex.similar[anaphor_parent]: if sim in lex.lex_deps: if self.head.func in lex.lex_deps[sim]: for lexeme in lex.lex_deps[sim][self.head.func]: self.entity_sim_dep_scores[lexeme] = lex.lex_deps[sim][self.head.func][lexeme] def __repr__(self): agree = "no-agr" if self.agree == "" else self.agree defin = "no-def" if self.definiteness == "" else self.definiteness card = "no-card" if self.cardinality == 0 else self.cardinality func = "no-func" if self.head.func == "" else self.head.func return str(self.entity) + "/" + str(self.subclass) + ': "' + self.text + '" (' + agree + "/" + defin + "/" + func + "/" + str(card) + ")"
[docs] def extract_features(self, lex, antecedent=None, candidate_list=[], dump_position=False): """ Function to generate feature representation of markables or markable-antecedent pairs for classifiers :param lex: the LexData object with gazetteer information and model settings :param antecedent: The antecedent Markable potentially coreferring to self :param candidate_list: The list of candidate markables under consideration, used to extract cohort size :param dump_position: Whether document name + token positions are dumped for each markable to compare to gold :return: dictionary of markable properties """ out_dict = OrderedDict() if dump_position: out_dict["position"] = str(self.start)+"-"+str(self.end)+";"+str(antecedent.start)+"-"+str(antecedent.end) out_dict["docname"] = lex.docname # TODO: Make genre representation configurable # By convention, genre is taken from first 4 chars of file, but for corpora like GUM use part between underscores if lex.docname.startswith("GUM_") or lex.docname.lower().startswith("autogum_") or lex.docname.lower().startswith("amalgum_"): out_dict["genre"] = lex.docname.split("_")[1] elif len(lex.docname) > 4: out_dict["genre"] = lex.docname[:4] else: out_dict["genre"] = "_" # Too short to detect genre log_props = set([]) # Properties to log-transform before dump, if desired bool_props = {"coordinate","quoted","negated","neg_parent"} # Boolean props to dump as 1 or 0 thresh_props = {"lemma","head_text"} f_threshold = 0 # Minimum frequency for lexical categories in (0 to ignore, else items with lower freq are replace by POS) # TODO: May need to lower() head_text, since cap/uncapped version may be in lex/entity dep score lexicon anaphor_parent = self.head.head_text ana_props = ["lemma","func","head_text","form","pos","agree","start","end","lemma_freq", "cardinality", "definiteness","entity","subclass", "infstat", "coordinate", "length", "mod_count", "doc_position","sent_position","quoted","negated","neg_parent","s_type"] ante_props = ["lemma","func","head_text","form","pos","agree","start","end","lemma_freq", "cardinality", "definiteness","entity","subclass", "infstat", "coordinate", "length", "mod_count", "doc_position","sent_position","quoted","negated","neg_parent","s_type"] for prop in ana_props: val = getattr(self,prop) if prop in log_props: val = log(val+1) elif prop in bool_props: val = int(val) elif prop in ["lemma"]: if lex.freqs[val] < f_threshold: val = self.pos elif prop in ["head_text"]: if lex.freqs[val] < f_threshold: val = self.head_pos out_dict["n_" + prop] = val if val != "" else "_" if antecedent is not None: for prop in ante_props: val = getattr(antecedent,prop) if prop in log_props: val = log(val + 1) elif prop in bool_props: val = int(val) elif prop in thresh_props: if lex.freqs[val] < f_threshold: if prop == "lemma": val = antecedent.pos elif prop == "head_text": val = antecedent.head_pos out_dict["t_" + prop] = val if val != "" else "_" anaphor = self out_dict["d_sent"] = anaphor.sent_num - antecedent.sent_num out_dict["d_tok"] = anaphor.start - antecedent.end out_dict["d_agr"] = int(anaphor.agree == antecedent.agree) out_dict["d_intervene"] = abs(int(re.sub('.*_', '', - int(re.sub('.*_', '', # Number of markables between ana and ante out_dict["d_cohort"] = len(candidate_list) out_dict["d_modcount"] = anaphor.mod_count - antecedent.mod_count out_dict["d_samemods"] = len(list(set([m.lemma for m in anaphor.head.modifiers]) & set([m.lemma for m in antecedent.head.modifiers]))) hasa = 0 use_hasa = True if "ablations" in lex.debug: if "no_hasa" in lex.debug["ablations"]: use_hasa = False if use_hasa: if antecedent.head.text in lex.hasa and lex.filters["possessive_func"].search(self.func) is not None: # Text based hasa if anaphor_parent in lex.hasa[antecedent.head.text]: hasa = lex.hasa[antecedent.head.text][anaphor_parent] elif antecedent.head.lemma in lex.hasa and lex.filters["possessive_func"].search(self.func) is not None: # Lemma based hasa if anaphor_parent in lex.hasa[antecedent.head.lemma]: hasa = lex.hasa[antecedent.head.lemma][anaphor_parent] out_dict["d_hasa"] = hasa out_dict["d_entidep"] = self.entity_dep_scores[antecedent.entity] out_dict["d_entisimdep"] = self.entity_sim_dep_scores[antecedent.entity] out_dict["d_lexdep"] = self.lex_dep_scores[antecedent.head.text] out_dict["d_lexsimdep"] = self.lex_sim_dep_scores[antecedent.head.text] out_dict["d_sametext"] = int(anaphor.text == antecedent.text) out_dict["d_samelemma"] = int(anaphor.lemma == antecedent.lemma) out_dict["d_doclen"] = int(anaphor.head.lex.token_count) # Check if one markable head is the dependency parent of the other if antecedent.head.head == out_dict["d_parent"] = 1 elif anaphor.head.head == out_dict["d_parent"] = -1 else: out_dict["d_parent"] = 0 if self.speaker == "" and antecedent.speaker == "": out_dict["d_speaker"] = 0 elif self.speaker == antecedent.speaker: out_dict["d_speaker"] = 1 else: out_dict["d_speaker"] = -1 return out_dict
def __getattr__(self, item): # Convenience methods to access head token and containing sentence if item in self.tok_props: return getattr(self.head,item) elif item == "text_lower": if self.coordinate: # If this is a coordinate markable return lower case core_text return self.core_text.lower() else: # Otherwise return lower text of head token return getattr(self.head, item) elif item in ["mood", "speaker", "sent_num", "s_type"]: return getattr(self.sentence,item) elif item == "child_func_string": # Check for cached child_func_string if "child_func_string" not in self.__dict__: # Convenience property to store semi-colon separated child funcs of head token # Assemble if not yet cached if len(self.head.child_funcs) > 1: self.child_func_string = ";" + ";".join(self.head.child_funcs) + ";" else: self.child_func_string = "_" return self.child_func_string else: raise AttributeError("No attribute: " + str(item))
class Sentence: def __init__(self, sent_num, start_offset, mood="", speaker=""): self.sent_num = sent_num self.start_offset = start_offset self.mood = mood self.speaker = speaker self.token_count = 0 self.s_type = "_" # Initial type, will be overwritten if s_type annotation is found in input def __repr__(self): mood = "(no mood info)" if self.mood == "" else self.mood speaker = "(no speaker info)" if self.speaker == "" else self.speaker return "S" + str(self.sent_num) + " from T" + str(self.start_offset + 1) + ", mood: " + mood + ", speaker: " + speaker + ", type: " + self.s_type def get_descendants(parent, children_dict, seen_tokens, sent_num, conll_tokens): my_descendants = [] my_descendants += children_dict[parent] for child in children_dict[parent]: if child in seen_tokens: if sys.version_info[0] < 3: sys.stderr.write("\nCycle detected in syntax tree in " + conll_tokens[int(parent)].lex.docname + " in sentence " + str(sent_num) + " (child of token: '" + conll_tokens[int(parent)].text.encode("utf8") + "')\n") else: sys.stderr.write("\nCycle detected in syntax tree in " + conll_tokens[int(parent)].lex.docname + " in sentence " + str(sent_num) + " (child of token: '" + conll_tokens[int(parent)].text + "')\n") sys.exit("Exiting due to invalid input\n") else: seen_tokens += [child] for child in children_dict[parent]: if child in children_dict: my_descendants += get_descendants(child, children_dict, seen_tokens, sent_num, conll_tokens) return my_descendants